Research & Innovation

Our Longstanding Commitment to Rigorous Research is a Testament to Our Unwavering Dedication To Advancing the Science and Practice of Behavior Change

Years Executing World-Class Research

Invested in Behavior Change Research

Peer Reviewed Publications

ProChange’s enduring legacy of research-fueled innovation has spanned nearly three decades and continues to evolve to stay at the forefront of the industry.

Leveraging our world-renowned expertise in applied behavior change science enables us to develop real-world solutions that drive life-changing breakthroughs.

Innovating and continuously redefining excellence, our novel research creatively builds on time-tested, theoretically-grounded, and proven approaches to repeatedly set new standards.


We creatively utilize a diverse array of rigorous research methods to address today’s most pressing population health and well-being concerns.

We conduct preliminary studies to evaluate the feasibility, acceptability, and effects of a behavior change solution before launching a full-scale research project.

Feasibility Tests

We develop and test prototypes of applied behavior change science solutions to evaluate effectiveness in real-world settings to inform widespread dissemination and implementation.

Demonstration Projects

We develop brief, reliable, and valid assessment instruments to measure key well-being domains and to evaluate outcomes.

Custom Measure Development

We execute rigorous research studies involving participant assignment to treatment or control groups to examine the effectiveness of a behavior change intervention.

Randomized Controlled Trials

We collaborate with community members and community-based organizations to co-create, implement, and refine behavior change interventions that are culturally appropriate and sustainable.

Community-Based Participatory Research

We conduct comprehensive scoping and systematic literature reviews to inform solution development, identify best practices, and provide practical recommendations for advancing an area of study.

Systematic Literature Review


ProChange’s behavior change scientists are award-winning experts who have led decades of groundbreaking research studies leveraging applied behavior change science. Their pioneering approach to cutting-edge research that advances the field is nationally recognized. They are set apart by their extensive expertise in and unique ability to seamlessly integrate and practically apply behavior change theories and frameworks.

A History of Excellence,
A Future of Innovation

A steadfast commitment to research and continuous advancement in the field of applied behavior change science define who we are. This signature strength provides the foundation to repeatedly deliver highly effective solutions to our clients and sponsors.

Select a filter to view our Innovations that interest you
all Innovations
Cancer Prevention
Chronic Pain Self Management
Climate Change
Continuing Medical Education
Substance Use
Tobacco Cessation
EHR Integration
Interactive Texting
Learning Management System
Mobile App
Mobile Health Data Integration
Online Program
Remote Patient Monitoring
Text Messaging
Chronic Condition Management
Clinical Practice Improvement
Community-Clinical Linkage
Employee Well-Being
Health Equity
LGBTQ+ Health
Military Health
Multi-Level Intervention
Multiple Behavior Change
Population Health
Primary Care
Unmet Social Needs


Identifying Continuing Medical Education Best Practices

This initiative identifies best practices in online continuing medical education and applies those best practices to improving the clinical management of Dengue.


Combining behavior change science with best practices in CME and adult learning will increase the impact of interactive activities for the improvement of the clinical management of Dengue as well as inform future CME/CPD initiatives.


Online continuing medical education is critical to the success of evidence-based medical practice. Identifying best practices in online CME will optimize its effectiveness and clinical outcomes across many therapeutic categories.


Health care providers


Interactive, online CME


Systematic Literature Review and Demonstration Project

Funded by

Centers for Disease Control

This initiative identifies and applies best practices in online continuing medical education to improving the clinical management of Dengue.
Promoting Diabetes Self-Management

Communities United 2 Manage Diabetes (CUT2MD) examines the impact of a comprehensive, multi-component intervention that is deployed in Black barbershops and beauty salons and leverages behavior change science to improve diabetes self-management.


CUT2MD combines rigorous behavior change science with the trusted relationships Black barbers and hair stylists have with their clients to improve the management of diabetes and increase engagement in diabetes self-management and education support services. CUT2MD utilizes interactive tailored text messaging and personalized guidance from a community-based Certified Diabetes Education and Support Specialist to increase readiness to engage in key diabetes self-management behaviors and participate in evidence-based Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support Services, New Beginnings discussion groups, and ongoing conversations with Black barbers and stylists trained as Diabetes Community Care Coordinators.


Black Americans bear a disproportionate burden of diabetes and its complications.


People living with diabetes, Black barbers and hair stylists, Certified Diabetes Education & Care Specialists


Interactive, tailored text messaging, Clinical dashboard


Demonstration Project

Funded by

Centers for Disease Control

Communities United 2 Manage Diabetes evaluates a multi-component intervention deployed through Black barbershops and beauty salons to enhance diabetes self-management.

Activating Climate Change Mitigation & Emergency Preparedness

Atlas is a tailored interactive texting program for vulnerable communities that: provides alerts from the National Weather Service on extreme weather events; links users to local zip code matched resources to mitigate their risk; utilizes best practices in health behavior change science to personalize communications regarding the link between human actions and extreme weather; and provides customized actionable tips for addressing climate change to promote climate efficacy at the individual, community, and policy/advocacy level.


Providing dynamically tailored behavior change messages via a ubiquitous, low-cost communication channel to address the intersectionality of climate change and inequities has the potential to advance readiness to engage in key climate change mitigation behaviors and — among those who are facing climate-related extreme weather events — increase readiness to access supportive local resources.


Climate change is an existential public health threat. Given that the health impacts of climate-related risks disproportionately affect vulnerable populations, there is an urgent need to develop scalable and innovative equity-centered tools and resources to raise awareness of the inextricable link between climate change and health and to support mitigation strategies to minimize its potential health hazards and impacts.


Community Members


Interactive texting, API calls to National Weather Service for real-time weather event alerts


Feasibility study

Funded by

National Institutes of Health

Atlas is an interactive texting program designed to facilitate planning for extreme weather and increase efficacy for climate change mitigation.

Increasing Belonging Among LGBTQ+ Workers

Bridges is an advanced learning management system designed to: 1) evaluate readiness to engage in belonging-focused learning through interactive behavior change communications and activities; 2) facilitate personal storytelling, discussions, and self-appraisal; and 3) provide customized, actionable tips for addressing belonging in the workplace. By combining behavior change science with accessible technology — such as micro-messages delivered via SMS to continually re-engage users — Bridges addresses the shortcomings of current employee wellness programs.


Bridges is an innovative, behavior science-based platform designed to boost LGBTQ+ workplace belonging through tailored learning and messaging. By combining accessible technology with insights from behavior change science, Bridges addresses the limitations of traditional employee programs. This cost-effective, easily disseminable solution transforms wellness efforts, delivering a more inclusive and supportive experience for LGBTQ+ workers.


The COVID-19 pandemic transformed the workforce, increasing burnout and weakening work-based social connections. In the wake of those shifts, and within the context of an increasingly polarized world, workplaces have become critical sources of belonging for their employees. Yet, members of the LGBTQ+ community continue to experience thwarted belonging as many organizations lack the policies and procedures necessary to make LGBTQ+ workers feel safe, connected, and included.


LGBTQ+ workforce


Advanced Learning Management System


Feasibility study

Funded by

National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities

Bridges aims to increase feelings of belonging among LGBTQ+ workers.


Increasing Participation in Diabetes Prevention

Communities United Together 4 Health (CUT4Health) combines the trusted relationships Black barbers and hair stylists have with their clients with the power of interactive, tailored text messaging to increase readiness for and retention in the National Diabetes Prevention Program.


Informed by human-centered design sessions, this comprehensive diabetes prevention program begins with trusted conversations in Black-owned barber shops and salons and includes a personalized text messaging solution.


Black Americans are more likely to develop diabetes and experience its complications, but are less likely to participate in the National Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP). Training Black barbers and stylists as lifestyle coaches for the National DPP and equipping them with an evidence-based tailored behavior change program to which they could refer their clients has the potential to increase linkage to care and improve outcomes.


Community members


Interactive text messaging, zip code-matched referrals for health-related social needs


Demonstration Project

Funded by

Centers for Disease Control

CUT4Health leverages the trusted relationships Black barbers and hair stylists have with their clients and tailored text messaging to boost participation in the National Diabetes Prevention Program.

Building Previvor Resilience

PreCharge–a digital, interactive program for previvors–leverages proven approaches to behavior change tailoring to provide timely, individualized text messages that promote positive mindset, strong social connections, and a deep sense of meaning and purpose, while also proactively addressing scanxiety.


PreCharge is the first technology-based solution designed to address the unique needs of individuals who have hereditary cancer syndromes but have not been diagnosed with cancer. This online and text-based program promotes resilience using brief, frequent interactions and provides just-in-time access to tools to address the anxiety experienced when preparing for medical exams or waiting for results (i.e., scanxiety). PreCharge’s use of text messaging makes previvor-specific support accessible to those in rural areas who may not have access to academic centers of excellence that offer resources such as in-person support programs.


For the estimated 1 out of every 300 people in the U.S. who are previvors, adversity comes disguised as a multitude of cancer screenings each year and uncertainty around personal health and the health of family members. PreCharge has the potential to improve the psychological health of a growing population of individuals who are navigating the uncertainty and emotional toll of hereditary cancer syndromes.


Individuals with a Hereditary Cancer Condition who haven’t been diagnosed with cancer (aka Previvors)


Interactive, tailored text messaging, Web application


Feasibility study

Funded by

National Cancer Institute

PreCharge is designed to increase the resilience and coping of individuals with genetic predispositions to cancer (i.e., previvors).

Developing & Validating a Measure of Belonging
Through a process of formative research, a nationwide survey, and quantitative measurement development analyses, an initial 3 item measure (n=372; α=.77) of belonging was created and found to be highly related to resilience, well-being, loneliness, depression, psychological safety, and professional fulfillment. Currently referred to as the IOWA-B (Inclusive Organizational Workplace Assessment – Belonging), this assessment has undergone confirmation analyses and has been completed by over 20,000 employees. Future research will establish norms across a variety of industries.


The IOWA-B fulfills a need for a brief but valid measure of the drivers of belonging among employees. The use of this measure will allow both researchers and employers to measure, track, and intervene in employee belonging as part of larger initiatives.


Prior to the development of the IOWA-B, assessments of belonging in the workplace were either single-item measures that left interpretation up to individual users, or extensive measures difficult to implement in employee programs. The IOWA-B is a brief assessment of drivers of belonging that can be used not only to provide employers with insight into levels of belonging among their employees, but also to identify drivers of belonging to be targeted by organizational initiatives.






Measurement Development

Funded by

University of Iowa
This initiative developed a brief, valid measure of the drivers of belonging among employees.


Boosting Caregiver Well-Being

The goal of this caregiver initiative is to develop and study the effectiveness of Compass for Care, a digital program designed for ADRD caregivers that provides customized behavior change guidance to promote engagement in five self-care behaviors critical to caregiver well-being.


Compass for Care is a digital program that customizes behavior change guidance to promote engagement in 5 self-care behaviors critical to ADRD caregiver well-being: 1) finding information, 2) discovering strengths and limits, 3) exploring outside help, 4) seeking emotional support, and 5) taking time to recharge. With the number of Americans living with ADRD and the number of people who care for them expected to triple in the next 30 years, this intervention offers a science-based, easily disseminable solution designed to fit into the busy lives of ADRD caregivers and enhance their well-being.


Over 11 million Americans are currently providing unpaid care to a family member or friend with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia (ADRD). While caregiving can be a positive experience that brings meaning and an increased sense of purpose, it can also take a toll. Nearly 60% of ADRD caregivers rate their emotional distress as high or very high, and over 30% suffer from depression. Caregivers with distress have higher health care utilization and costs and provide poorer quality care to their care recipients. Further, employed caregivers have decreased productivity and higher absenteeism due to their caregiving responsibilities.


Individuals providing unpaid care to a family member, relative, or friend with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia (ADRD).


Online program, Interactive text messaging


Randomized Controlled Trial

Funded by

National Institute on Aging

Compass for Care is a digital program that provides personalized behavior change guidance for individuals providing unpaid care to a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia (ADRD).

Promoting Population Health & Preventing Diabetes

bRIght communities/comunidades bRIllantes is a bi-lingual, interactive, tailored texting program designed to increase: 1) readiness to engage in key health behaviors for diabetes prevention, 2) engagement with community services to address unmet social needs to reduce barriers to enrolling in the National DPP, 3) readiness to enroll in the National DPP, and 4) enrollment in the National DPP.


Extensive participatory formative research led to the development and deployment of a personalized text messaging program that enabled population-based recruitment of statewide residents, the identification of individuals at risk for prediabetes, zip code matched referrals to address unmet health-related social needs, and the provision of individually tailored feedback to promote behavior change on key diabetes prevention behaviors.


While progress has been made scaling the National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP) lifestyle change program, enrollment remains a challenge. Innovative strategies are urgently needed to increase engagement, particularly for underserved communities who bear a disproportionate burden of risk for diabetes and its complications.


English-speaking community members, Spanish-speaking community members


Interactive text messaging, zip code-matched referrals for health-related social needs


Demonstration Project

Funded by

Centers for Disease Control

bRIght communities is an interactive texting program designed to enhance readiness for diabetes prevention, engagement with community services, and enrollment in the National DPP.

Driving Tobacco Cessation

This feasibility study explores the acceptability and preliminary effect of refresh, a mobile app that: 1) provides truly individualized behavior change guidance to end users based on their tobacco use behaviors and pertinent medical data captured from their electronic health record (EHR) and Apple HealthKit, and 2) pushes actionable insights back to the patient’s EHR for delivery by the clinician, who can play a key role in the patient’s behavior change journey.


Unlike existing tobacco cessation apps, refresh implements a full range of best practices in tailored health behavior change communications and achieves sustained use by hyper-personalizing the user experience for patients and integrating actionable insights seamlessly into the clinical workflow of their clinicians by leveraging emerging promising practices in interoperability (e.g., FHIR, HL7).


Smoking is a leading preventable cause of death and disability in the U.S., taking the lives of 480,000 Americans each year and contributing costs exceeding $300 billion annually.


Tobacco users in primary care


Tailored behavior change iOS app, Apple HealthKit integration, EHR integration to deliver clinician micro-messages


Feasibility Study

Funded by

National Heart Lung & Blood Institute

Refresh examines the impact of a tobacco cessation app that offers individualized behavior change guidance and integrates actionable insights into the patient’s EHR for clinicians.


Addressing Substance Use and Prevention in Primary Care

A randomized controlled trial was conducted on Connect2BWell, an online substance use risk intervention comprised of an online tailored program and accompanying text messages matched to the user’s Transtheoretical Model-based stage of change (“stage-matched”). The online program includes a substance use risk assessment, a series of brief activities stage-matched to each individual participant, and a clinical dashboard that shares information gathered through Connect2BWell with the patient’s care team. A registered nurse at the practice serves as the Nurse Care Manager for all program participants.


The Connect2BWell program offers a digital solution for primary care practices wishing to implement SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment). It includes online and text messaging screenings and interventions for patients, along with a Clinical Dashboard to assist the care team in providing additional treatment. Connect2BWell demonstrated significant effects on substance use and depression at 9 months when compared with the control group.


Substance use is widespread in the U.S., with 161.8 million people aged 12 and older reporting current (past month) use of tobacco, alcohol, or an illicit drug in 2021. Substance use and misuse can result in social harms such as crime, violence, an increased risk of homelessness, and unemployment, and accounts for approximately $35 billion in annual health care costs. Despite those personal and population-level harms, roughly 94% of people with substance use disorders did not receive treatment in 2021. Universal screening in primary care presents an opportunity for prevention, and the SBIRT model — which is the foundation of Connect2BWell — is widely recommended for routine screening and intervention related to substance use.


Primary care patients who use substances including tobacco, alcohol and other drugs.


Online Program, Interactive text messaging, Clinician Messaging


Randomized Controlled Trial

Funded by

National Institute on Drug Abuse

Connect2BWell is an SBIRT (Substance Use Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment) intervention that combines tailored activities, stage-matched text messages, and a clinical dashboard connecting patients with a Nurse Care Manager.


Advancing Readiness for Chronic Pain Self-Management

This randomized trial, which included 263 Veterans with chronic musculoskeletal pain, examined the efficacy of a gamified mobile app that delivered tailored behavior change guidance to increase readiness to use pain self-management strategies, stress management practices, and engage in healthy sleep habits.


The AtEase pain self-management app: 1) provides feedback uniquely matched to Veterans’ readiness to use pain coping skills, improve sleep habits, and manage stress; 2) includes personalized text messages or push notifications; and 3) uses gamification to increase engagement. This intervention offers a cost-effective, science-based, and easily deliverable solution to entire populations to increase pain self-management and improve overall functioning and well-being.


Chronic musculoskeletal pain is very common, particularly among Veterans. It can diminish quality of life and relationships and imposes enormous costs on the health care system and society. Pain self-management strategies can be very effective in improving outcomes for those living with chronic pain.


Veterans experiencing chronic pain


Native mobile app, Gamification, Text messaging


Randomized Controlled Trial

Funded by

National Center for Complementary & Integrative Health

AtEase is a personalized mobile app that provides individualized behavior change guidance on pain self-management, stress, and sleep for Veterans.


Primary Care Cancer Risk Reduction Program

ConnectWell is a multi-level, evidence-based health technology product that includes: 1) mobile-optimized behavior change programs for patients that, through tailored text messages, account for variability in patient preferences and readiness to adopt behaviors key to cancer prevention and chronic condition management; and 2) a Clinical Dashboard integrated into patients’ electronic health records that supports primary care providers in delivering brief behavior change messages and prescribe patient-facing programs.


This research trial demonstrates that theoretically-based, individually-tailored tools for both patients and clinicians can increase engagement and promote behavior change in areas that are traditionally under addressed in primary care.


A key challenge in health behavior change is how to effectively address multiple health risk behaviors to prevent cancer and chronic disease. The majority of the U.S. population has multiple co-occurring health behavior risks that increase morbidity, disability, and premature mortality. This research trial evaluated the effectiveness of a mobile platform for health assessment, monitoring, and intervention to promote behavioral cancer prevention.


Primary care patients who use substances including tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.


Clinical dashboard, Tailored text message program, Web-based tailored behavior change program


Randomized Controlled Trial

Funded by

National Cancer Institute

ConnectWell is an unprecedented and innovative integrative platform and behavior change solution designed to facilitate patient-provider communication and prevent or reduce the risk of cancer.

Preventing Substance Use Among Military and Veterans

Iwin is an individualized mobile application aimed at assisting military members, spouses, and Veterans in preventing substance use and increasing well-being. The program is designed as an obstacle course that creates a custom path for each user based upon 11 key risk behaviors such as stress management, exercise, tobacco use, financial well-being, depression, alcohol use, and social support.


The Iwin mobile app received very positive reviews from those associated with the military and, while research did not demonstrate an effect on substance use, it did reveal a positive impact on both depression and resilience at 6 months. This program was one of the first to address substance use prevention through tailored guidance on a variety of behaviors associated with well-being. The innovative design and gamification of the program represented a step forward for well-being programs specifically designed for those associated with the U.S. military.


Military personnel, spouses, and veterans face unique stressors that elevate their risks of substance use and adverse mental health conditions. Addressing these risks while promoting well-being within this population is critical. Iwin is a personalized program designed to prevent substance use and promote wellness by targeting key risk factors like stress, depression, and financial instability or strain. By fostering resilience and healthy behaviors, Iwin strengthens military families, supports military readiness, reduces health care costs, and contributes to a healthier society.


Active Duty Military, Veterans, and Military Spouses


Web application


Randomized Controlled Trial

Funded by

National Institute on Drug Abuse

Iwin (Individual Well-Being Navigator) is a substance abuse prevention and well-being enhancement program designed specifically for military personnel, military spouses, and Veterans.

*The content on this page is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the funding agency.

SamplE outcomes achieved

Experienced life-changing behavior breakthroughs

Net Promoter Score (vs. 31 National Average)

Experienced positive behavior change for managing a chronic condition
