Population Health

Optimize Population Health With Science-Based Behavior Change Design

Advancing population health is a formidable challenge facing society today. It requires solutions that drive healthy behavior across the spectrum of physical, mental, financial, and social well-being. Equally important, factors such as readiness to change, cultural background, health literacy, and the presence of unmet social needs must also be addressed.

The key to optimizing population health is to integrate behavior change design into population health solutions.  This enables the solution to intelligently assess and empathetically be tailored to each person’s unique circumstances across these multiple dimensions and to drive lasting outcomes.

ProChange integrates science-based behavior change design into our offerings to help solve your Population Health challenges.

Solutions Licensing

Take advantage of our turnkey solutions that advance population health.

Intellectual Property Licensing

ProChange‘s proprietary algorithms and communications can bring your population health solution to the next level.


Allow ProChange to work from the inside, operating as your behavior change science team.

Solution Development

Let ProChange evaluate your needs and build a customized population health solution.

Speaking and Training

ProChange can help you make behavior change a core competency in your organization.



“We value the ownership, original thought, and executable strategy that ProChange put into helping us brainstorm best approaches to our programs. And also their independence (while still being collaborative and communicative) in getting things done once we had a plan.”

“My job as a provider isn’t to heal people. It’s to help facilitate lifestyle changes. After all, the majority of us die of lifestyle diseases. Until now, nobody had taught me how to help people make changes, so this is gold. And I’ll tell anyone who asks. It’s just the truth.”    


Here are some real-life stories
Behavior Change Design is embedded into ProChange's proven Intellectual Property.

A population health provider drove tremendous results by incorporating ProChange’s proven Intellectual Property.

Motivated to design a re-imagined health risk assessment that ensured alignment with their platform, this client turned to ProChange to integrate their curated library of behavior change Intellectual Property (aleta inside), and engage the creative talents of a leading behavior change design company, to bring it to life. Through a collaborative discovery, solutioning, implementation, evaluation, and optimization process, the resulting re-imagined health assessment had an impressive impact.

The TTM is a key component in ProChange's Behavior Change Design

The TTM and ProChange curriculum become an integral module for a new health and wellness coach training program.

As behavior change and behavior change science have become requirements for health and wellness coach training programs, the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) has increasingly become a critical training focus. ProChange has become a key partner in curriculum development, for helping practitioners master the skills they need to become successful agents of change.