by ProChange | Jun 10, 2008
Recently eight major articles were published in peer reviewed journals that tested and supported fundamental theoretical, empirical, and practical applications of the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change (TTM). Using cutting edge methodologies these studies...
by ProChange | Apr 25, 2008
Members of Pro-Change Behavior Systems, Inc. recently presented to standing room only audiences at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Conference in San Diego. Topics ranged from depression prevention to multiple health risk intervention to smoking cessation....
by ProChange | Mar 24, 2008
Pro-Change has received a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to develop a computer-based tailored intervention to promote healthy behaviors during pregnancy. The pilot program will be conducted in July and August 2008 at sites of the...
by ProChange | Mar 12, 2008
The Journal of Preventive Medicine’s (AJPM) March 2008 issue is a special issue on multiple behavior change. All three articles submitted by Pro-Change were accepted and appear in this special issue. Until recently, there was no programmatic research demonstrating the...
by ProChange | Feb 27, 2008
The National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices, a service of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), recently gave high ratings to the Pro-Change Stress Management Program. Supported by a grant from the National Cancer...
by ProChange | Jan 7, 2008
President Elvira Craig de Silva of the National Association of Social Workers has appointed Janice M. Prochaska, Ph.D., President and CEO of Pro-Change Behavior Systems, Inc., as one of the seven members of the Social Work Editorial Board. The Social Work journal,...