With the prevalence of chronic conditions on the rise, chronic condition management solutions are increasingly critical to managing population health. While off-the-shelf programs are available to address many of the lifestyle risks that contribute to these chronic conditions, sometimes what is needed does not exist.
ProChange provides clients with comprehensive solution development services and quickly develops custom solutions where none exist to satisfy unique population health challenges—from concept through implementation. Creating custom solutions for chronic condition management is one of ProChange’s specialties.
When the Lupus Foundation of America (LFA) needed to develop a custom program to help people living with lupus manage their chronic condition, they turned to ProChange. An expert team of behavior change scientists and technologists was deployed to execute their proven solution development methodology:





And they built SELF—Strategies to Embrace Living with Lupus Fearlessly. SELF is a free online self-management program designed to help people with lupus live their best possible life. The SELF program, which was launched by LFA in January 2022, has already reached thousands of people living with lupus.
Now, building upon the success of their longstanding collaboration with the LFA, ProChange will develop another custom solution in the form of the SELF companion app. The app will be available in the Google Play and iTunes app stores in mid-2023 and will provide another engaging channel to disseminate the evidence-based tools that enable chronic condition management.
“Applying rigorous behavior change science to expand the options for chronic condition management solutions among people with lupus will enable our partner, the Lupus Foundation of America, to have an even bigger impact on the lives of their constituents. We are honored to be partnering with them in this important work,” said Dr. Johnson, ProChange’s Co-President & CEO.
To learn more about ProChange’s capabilities in chronic condition management solutions, please visit our Solution Development page or read our Client Success Story.