Pro-Change is proud to announce that we have once again been awarded NCQA Wellness and Health Promotion (WHP) Certification for our Health Risk Intervention (a Health Risk Assessment plus Intervention) and Self-Management Tools (Exercise, Healthy Eating, Weight Management, Smoking Cessation, Stress Management, Depression Prevention, and Responsible Drinking). The Health Risk Intervention (HRI) and Self-Management Tools continue to be a central part of Pro-Change’s award-winning LifeStyle Management Suite.
NCQA’s WHP Certification process is a quality assurance program to aid employers in selecting wellness providers. NCQA certification identifies solutions that are most likely to deliver on employers’ priorities, such as improving workforce health, increasing productivity, and reducing absenteeism.
Pro-Change’s programs, including the HRI, use validated questions to assess readiness to change leading health risks and provide immediate evidenced-based, individually tailored feedback about the strategies individuals can use to make progress on reducing their specific risk behaviors. Pro-Change’s programs continue to optimize individual well-being, reduce health care costs, and increase productivity.
WHP certification is an acknowledgement that Pro-Change’s HRI helps individuals manage their health. In addition to the individual-level feedback and personalized text messages that users receive, the HRI has the ability to provide high level results to employers through a sophisticated aggregate reporting function. Pro-Change continues to ardently protect the users of its programs, with the HRI clearly disclosing how any information from the HRI may be used and how we protect their privacy.
NCQA certification for Pro-Change’s Self-Management Tools guarantees that we continue to provide evidence-based self-management tools to help individuals manage their health. The NCQA standards address important health topics; call for periodic testing to make sure tools are usable and understandable; require review and update of tools to reflect changes in evidence; and require Pro-Change to make tools available in different formats.
“Receiving NCQA certification again for our Health Risk Intervention and Self-Management Tools is a reflection of Pro-Change’s ongoing commitment to disseminating effective evidence-based behavior change solutions,” stated Sara S. Johnson, PhD, co-President and CEO of Pro-Change.
For more information about Pro-Change’s HRI and LifeStyle Management Suite, please contact Pro-Change at info@prochange.com or (401)360-2980.