Pro-Change Provides URI Film Students Production Opportunity

Pro-Change Behavior Systems, Inc. reaffirmed its commitment to assisting students at the University of Rhode Island by teaming up with Professor Keith Brown’s Film 351: Client Media Production class. The class provides the opportunity for advanced film students...

Pro-Change Receives Three SBIR Contracts Totaling $2.65M

Pro-Change was successfully awarded three out of three submitted Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contracts from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI). In Stage-Based Mobile Intervention for Substance Use...

Distribution Agreement with the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation

Pro-Change Behavior Systems, Inc. and the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation (HBFF) signed a Distribution Agreement to promote, market, sell, and distribute Pro-Change’s Youth and Adult LifeStyle Management Suites of programs to schools, community health and mental...